today i woke up to birds chirping and a family of deer outside my window-
i woke like a creature coming out of hibernation-
visualizing wild leeks and fiddleheads
i felt like i could almost smell them- & feel moist dank dirt on my hands.
so i made a few calls and set out to a patch of forest near the reservoir-
the sun was warm today, and the brook was babbling- so i knew that i could very well find something despite how early in the year it is to be foraging.
I walked along the brook
found puffballs and bones
saw dainty blades of chicory
and thought about what may or may not be growing beneath my feet.
It's true that i returned to town with an empty harvesting bag,
but my little visit to the forest inspired me in a way that
reading cookbooks, planning menus, or leafing through seed catalogs leave lacking.
today we celebrate the farmers & foragers
dedicated and determined to
find & nurture the wildness around us
steak frittes
seared greenfield highland beef NEW YORK STRIP, topped with a poached alpaca farm duck egg, drizzled with a savory butter of capers & allen lapage's wild leeks
served with vt grown potato fries