It's 11:50 pm, September 13, and perhaps the last night We'll go to bed waiting to know what Kismet is.
At 1 pm tomorrow afternoon,
the community capital of vermont will review our loan application.
We are spending these last few hours
focusing on our namesake because, in this moment, we have a unique opportunity to identify and set our intention about this endeavor and to prepare for the ultimate fate that awaits us.
no one wants to be denied anything, whether it's asking someone out for the first time, asking to borrow your parents car, applying for a loan to start a business, or asking for help in general. Usually when we ask for something, it's because we really want it, or think we do... Rarely, we have an opportunity such as this, to have to put together an educated proposal, to have to wait patiently in the space of our own intense anticipation, and to wait weeks before we have an answer. In this time we have been able to really contemplate our motives.
Why do we want to own a restaurant?
Why do we think our business idea will be successful?
How do we really know that this will be a prosperous endeavor?
It seems that most everyone is aware of the hardships and peril most restaurants face, so why should we consider our business idea more likely to succeed than statistics?
In this waiting place, we can look directly at these questions while reaching deep within ourselves touching on our own wells of trust and to look closely at what we REALLY are asking for;
to live in prosperity
a space and the time to express ourselves creatively
work that keeps us connected to the greater good of our families, our communities and to our earth
an opportunity to invest in our futures
So, if tomorrow we find that our loan has been approved or denied,
celebrations are in order because no matter what,
we believe in kismet (fate).
stay posted!!!