AHH! SPRING! yes, really, it is nearly here!
Where does this joy come from?
is it in the sunshine-
the feeling of bliss when i wake-
the grass revealed?
Is it in the warm breeze-
the site of naked skin-
the extra bit of sunlight as i set my dinner table?
it is all of this and more!!
It is the pleasure in my heart as I receive local spinach-
newly dug roots
fresh eggs with the bright yellow yolk of happy chicks!
It is the excitement in my whole body when i plan kismet's garden-
5000 feet of simple expectations
where spreadsheets give way to soil, starts & seeds!
& it is within me-
my own yearning for new flavors, colors & nourishment...
After all that we endured last year (which i still struggle putting into words), at kismet, we are quietly celebrating the birth of a new year, and a new season!
I hope you are all well, and will drop in and join us soon!
Also, i hope that you will let us know what is your favorite oldies as well as your new favorites so we can form our new menus with you in mind!!