it was early when i got up this morning, still dark, and still snow on the ground..
it feels endless- and lately i have felt a bit overwhelmed by it- but when I unlocked the front door, and started putting together my prep list, i started getting really excited-
I remembered that joel had brought down a delivery of local beans from the north east kingdom (yellow eye, king of the early and jacobs cattle). And as I started pulling things out of the fridge to prep for the day, I came across the salad greens that Pete's Greens brought us yesterday (full of sunflower greens, tiny baby kale and little leaves of radish and lettuces-) sitting next to the absolutely fabulous greens from joe at screaming ridge- And though it doesn't feel like spring outside, i can see that it is close- i can taste it, literally- and it tastes good!
During my morning chores- making coffee, mixing crepe batter, melting chocolate- I kept thinking about this whole thing with the skinny pancake. I still feel kind of confused- i know that everything will work out as it needs to- i just feel distracted. I have been getting a bit of response about the post and the situation- unfortunately, quite a few of them have been very intense and from folks who have never been to kismet. I am questioning myself- maybe even doubting a bit- pausing when maybe i wish i were flowing-
and then, the sun is up- and it's warm and cozy and the tomatoes in my hand are ripe and meaty and juicy, and I am inlove.... and just like that, the sap starts flowing.