I meet with the students weekly to prepare meals completely from scratch (without recipes) using whole foods ingredients, to eat together with guests from the community. While cooking, we talk about food science, culinary arts, food trends, math, budgeting, nutrient density, calorie conversion, and special diets. We experiment with culinary alchemy and cooking techniques while exploring geographical and historical facts. We investigate cultures, discuss politics of agriculture & health care, and discuss wide worlds of topics including sexual health, mental health, and relationships. Then we set the table, taking care to consider our guests, and sit to eat together as we explore what it means to feed ourselves and to nurture each other.
The students participate in this program willingly and with enthusiasm. They are energetic and have lots of ideas of how the “Community Lunch” program can grow, and how we can share this program with others. This year, I proposed a food trailer concept, which will provide a certified kitchen space for the students to refine their culinary skills through hands-on holistic nutritional education. I am excited to announce that the school has approved my proposal, and has plans to purchase a licensed food trailer which will serve as the school kitchen classroom, as well as a vehicle for future student projects centered around food, including community service, job readiness, and fundraising for their non-profit school. We believe that this pilot program empowers students to feed themselves and their communities toward the prevention of hunger, mental illness, crime and loneliness, through real-life, real-food experiences.
On June 3, students of the Central Vermont High School Initiative
will transform KISMET into their own TEEN TAKE-OVER!
The food will be delicious, and all proceeds from food sales will go towards the Community Lunch program at CVHSI.
Guests will have the opportunity to make additional pledges in terms of capital or ingredients to grow our pantry.
Learn more about the Community Lunch here: http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/life/food/2014/10/30/forget-twinkies-teens-make-butter/18188993/
Learn about the Initiative, or make a tax deductible donation today here: http://vtwhs.org/wish-list/