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the garden today! |
It's been dry and and hot & sunny for most of the last 8 weeks. We've had so many beautiful days, & this summer really has been unlike any other I have ever experienced in vermont. The lack of rain does have it's disadvantages- which, in my opinion are much easier & more pleasant to deal with than an over abundance of rain, the likes of which nearly killed kismet last year. Honestly, the lack of rain means that our sandy garden needs constant watering- which (due to a tiny budget that prevents us purchasing any sort of high tech irrigation) means at least 9 hours a week speant watering the garden! Besides the obvious impact it has made on my seriously minuscule social life, I am happy to spend the time in the garden & for the first time in nearly 7 years, I get to work outside of the kitchen!!
Thankfully, earlier this week we were showered with a blessed inch of rain & a hearty amount of lightning that woke the soil, stimulated the plants & gave everything a little boost of confidence for a couple of days. Today, Moses & I went to the garden together to check on the 40 foot rows of tiny carrot seedlings genevieve & I planted nearly 3 weeks ago- with their roots so tiny & our soil so sandy, I was keeping my fingers crossed that they hadn't met their fate in the 90 degree weather we had earlier this week. Sure enough they were still there, though a bit stunted & already dry in this morning's early sunshine.
Moses watered & I weeded, pulling out & setting aside the plantain for a salve we will make for gifts later this year. We snacked on succulent purslane & nibbled the blueish gray leaves of the wild lambs quarters. Then together, we walked through the garden to count toads, harvest herbs & green beans, & check on the pollination activity buzzing around the mellon & squash stations.
I asked Moses if he would rather work in the garden or in the kitchen & he readily said, "The garden!". "Even if it were cold & rainy like last year?", I asked. "Oh, right" he said, "definitely the kitchen." Then he said, "Well, I guess you're pretty lucky to get to do both." Yes, indeed I am.
another batch of green beans, ready to be pickled & set aside for august weddings
calendula blossoms, these perfectly orange blossoms will spend 4 months hanging out in 2 gallons of olive oil for a cheery golden salad dressing to brighten up our winter salads
sage tips, about to be married to a large jar of honey- a particularly aromatic & sensational relationship
nasturtium & pansies, because they are fun to put in salads & i like the way the purple pansy petals look chopped up in my feta marinade mix