we're open!
until now, all of the entries on this blog have been written somewhat anonymously..
but now we would like to introduce ourselves!
Alanna (in the photo, on the left) is often seen with her two children, or in the Kismet kitchen folding spanikopita or making dandelion lattes. she lives in plainfield and she is lovely..
I am Crystal (in the photo on the right), and I live here in montpelier. Lately I have been seen running down the streets of montpelier collecting odds and ends, or dropping off urgent messages to city officials. If you have spoken to me on the phone recently, I am the one who is usually very emotional and ends up crying (sorry Ida and Stephanie...)
Alanna and I both bring very different aspects to our little Kismet, and yet we work well together as a team. We both pulled an all-nighter on Friday night to be able to open up our doors Saturday morning. We were pretty tired, but WOW! what a beautiful little restaurant we have!
Until we secure our necessary what-nots from the state (any day now..) we will make the final leap from a take-out restaurant to a full service eat-in establishment with about twenty seats.
Everyone who has come in so far has lovingly admired our space, I wish that Damian (my yummmy guy) could be there to hear all of the praises sent his way (he is the renovator and creator of all of our fabulous concrete tables and bars and windowsills).
Our first two days were pretty mellow,
but successful.
every new endeavor is scary and this one has brought up lots of fears for both of us. Will we succeed? Will people like our food? Can we do it?
The first two days were like a very gently yoga asana... stretching a little bit further each moment, getting comfortable, stretching some more, breathing.... affirming our strength and telling ourselves "that's it...keep going".
On Sunday morning I walked to Kismet at 6 am-still dark and chilly- and in the quietness of montpelier I thought about what I am really scared of... Its hard to verbalize.. Not being good enough I guess.. and then I got to the restaurant, and turned on the lights and just stood there soaking in the real honest beauty of it..
Sure, we've never done this before. But in the process of walking this journey we have learned so much and have met so many great people. Today Margaret at CVCAC was (as usual) particularly inspiring, and reminded me that if I can really visualize what I want than I am can believe it is possible and, in turn, can allow it to happen.
Thank you to all of the people who have helped to make this fantasy come true...
see you for breakfast on Wednesday!